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Nothing Tragic About a Dreamworld of Magic

Imagine a dark cave filled with lost treasures. Imagine investigating a lost caravan for an ancient artifact that has been overrun with vile monsters. Or imagine arguing with a friend about whether or not your horse should have antlers and be named "Chrstnmcrftsrvr" (pronounced christian minecraft server). There are endless possibilities and outcomes when playing the game Dungeons and Dragons. Myself, Bil Cory (a parent), and a handful of MYHS students set out at the beginning of the quarter to start a club that would play this game. After a month of adventure and planning, it is safe to say that I have really enjoyed my time in the club as the DM (Dungeon Master). I am still learning how the game operates but it has inspired me to dive deeper into the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

The game itself is comprised of player characters and the Dungeon Master, who tells the story and guides the players through the world and its encounters. The players create characters at the start of the game. It can be slow at first, but it is part of the creative process and determines who you are for the rest of the game. Characters varied from highborn elves and dwarves, where others were more intricate beings like dragonborn and half orc. Each come with their own crafted back stories and personalities. In a time when kids are constantly occupied and overloaded with digital entertainment, this process of developing characters helps students get the creative juices flowing. Old fashion pen and paper with a little imagination is a wonderful recipe for a good time.

However, I give a word of caution to those who have never played and are interested. You will only have a good time if you let yourself have a good time. This might mean putting yourself out of your comfort zone. A personal example is going to Zumba class for the first time. As a male walking into a room full of women, I felt overwhelmed at first, but after I got into the actual routine, I embraced it and everyone else in the room was supportive. It was a lot of fun and I think this is the same approach people need to take when delving into D&D.

My role as the DM, is to develop a story line, create a world, populate it with NPCs (non player characters), and guide them through as they fight monsters and make choices. Bil Corey has been extremely helpful as he has provided all sorts of game material ranging from dice and play mats. He is also knowledgeable of the game and has assisted me in being a DM. As for the students, their roles are the players. A player, is free to use their imagination to interact with whatever the DM throws at them. In our current play through I have sent the players on a quest to retrieve 7 magical artifacts in order to save their lives from an impending doom. They have slayed brutish orcs, fought the undead while being mesmerized at a demon lord's banquet pitting players against each other, investigated the whereabouts of a magical mirror, expose the corruption of a false mayor of a town, and yet there is still more to their quest. Time grows short for their journey as well as the club itself as the end of the school year approaches.

It has been a fun learning experience for our first run-through, and with a lot to learn, I would like to continue the D&D club next year. Perhaps open the floor to some of the kids to DM and assist in planning material and content. Overall, I would encourage more students to step outside of their normal routines to explore vast new worlds that only their imaginations can realize. If you find yourself looking for something to do with friends while kicking back, relaxing, and eating some snacks, then join us in D&D next year.

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